Why should I buy an air purifier?
An air purifier is a device that removes impurities from the air and maintains its high quality. The market for air purifiers is growing rapidly and manufacturers are launching newer and more functional devices that are able to take care of the quality of the air we breathe with great precision. When should you use an air purifier? This is a very individual question. It depends on where we live, how polluted the air is in our area and for what purpose we want to use it.
Many people become aware that the air quality in our homes can be very poor. Not only does this lead to extreme symptoms during allergy season, but it also leads to negative health effects from too much dust and pollutants entering our space. Therefore, having an air purifier in your home can make a big difference. Studies have shown that the air we breathe in every day is often worse than the air outside, except on the most polluted streets. Exhaust particles, pollen and more are sucked in as soon as we walk through the front door or open a window, and often ventilation is not enough to remove them. Chemicals in cleaning products, fresh paint, new furniture, kitchen fumes, dust and other pollutants only make the problem worse. You may think that regular cleaning and vacuuming will get rid of the bad air problem, but that alone can't get rid of anything smaller than dust particles. A dedicated air purifier will clean the air thoroughly, and if you choose a good air purifier that is the right size for the room, you will really notice the difference.
We associate air purifiers with devices that work mainly in winter, when the air quality drops drastically. However, the truth is that more and more air purifiers are multifunctional devices that can serve us perfectly all year round. First and foremost, they should be switched on when air pollution exceeds acceptable levels.
However, air pollution is not only the smog that plagues Swiss cities in autumn and winter. Much of the air pollution is also caused by car traffic. So if you live near a busy road, it may be regularly switched on throughout the year. Another source of pollution is industrial activity - the emission of hazardous compounds by steel mills, mines, factories and other industrial facilities. And further, agricultural activities or fires. We should remember that poor air quality is not always visible to the naked eye. The fact that we do not see smog drifting across the city does not mean that we are breathing clean air.
Modern air purifiers are equipped with precise sensors that monitor the air quality in our homes and offices. This way, we can be sure that the air we breathe is safe for our health. Air purifiers are not only a solution to the problem of polluted air. They are also devices that work well as a cure for allergic conditions. By binding pollen, dust, mites and micro-organisms from the air, they help eliminate the causes of inhalant allergies. Increasingly, purifiers are also being used as a tool to help fight viruses. Certain models can be equipped with specific types of filters and ionisers that effectively neutralise the presence of viruses. It is also a very practical device that helps you keep your home clean. With features to capture and neutralise bad odours, they work well in eliminating tobacco smoke, pet odours, kitchen smells and more.
Tips on when to use an air purifier:
In times of high air pollution, regardless of the source of pollution (smog, industrial activities, road traffic, fires). When you want to get rid of annoying discomfort related to inhalation allergies - in grass pollen season or all year round to remove dust and mites. When we want to remove unpleasant odours (cigarette smoke, fire smell, animal smell) - the device can be used all year round. If we want to reduce the amount of dust in the room - by choosing an air purifier that provides sufficient air circulation, we can reduce the amount of dust in the air as well as the dust that falls on the floor. If you want to use additional functions of the unit, such as humidification or ionisation. Not all units are equipped with these functions. Therefore, it is advisable to think carefully about how you will use the air purifier before buying it. All year round - if only to ensure that our family breathes healthy and fresh air.
Air purifier - how to use?
The top of the range air purifiers are very intuitive and easy to use. Even if you haven't dealt with this type of device before, you don't have to worry that using them will be difficult. The way to use them depends on the particular model and its functionality. In general, however, we can point out some basic rules for using air purifiers:
Use whenever the air quality is at a low level - high-quality air purifiers are made of professional components that ensure a long service life. These types of devices are prepared to work 24 hours a day as well. Change the filters regularly - never skimp on changing the filters. They are what determine whether the unit will serve its purpose. If you use overflowing and worn filters, the air in your home will be of poor quality. Worn filters not only reduce the efficiency of the unit, but usually lose their ability to trap pollutants. Follow the maintenance recommendations - some parts of the air purifier are not replaced but only serviced, e.g. the pre-filters usually need to be vacuumed regularly and the water tanks of humidifiers need to be washed. It is important to follow these maintenance rules to keep the unit running efficiently and safely for our health. Use of different modes - The ability to select specific modes allows the air purifier to adjust the intensity of its work according to the conditions in the room. For example, the user has the option to turn on the option of very intense cleaning, or on the contrary, to turn on the night mode, in which the device works slower and quieter. By choosing the appropriate mode, we can make the unit work more efficiently or economically, or focus on removing a specific type of dirt. Translated with
What types of filters are existing and which one do I need?
The more filtration levels, the better particles of different sizes are removed.
Dust pre-filter - think of air filtration as sifting sand on the beach. You should first remove large pebbles with a large sieve before using a finer one. Otherwise, the fine filter will clog.
HEPA filter - traps more dust, pollen, other allergens and even bacteria so you can breathe cleaner whether you suffer from pet allergies or hay fever. Our PM10 test results measure particles no larger than 10 microns. Electrostatic filtration - charges small particles so they stick to the filters more easily.
Activated carbon - is ideal for removing very small particles from road fumes, cigarette smoke and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that carry odours. They can even remove viruses from the air. Our PM2.5 test results measure particles no larger than 2.5 microns, including much smaller particles.
How do I find the right unit size for my room?
Measure your floor area in m². Then choose a unit that promises to clean the air in the room five times per hour. Ceiling heights are fairly even, so this is accurate enough. If you like doing your maths homework, you can measure the volume of the room in cubic metres and look at the clean air delivery rate (CADR) of different units to see which one suits you best.
What else should I look for when buying an air purifier?
Noise, if you are sensitive to it, measured in decibels (dB). If you need a discreet air purifier, consider one that is quiet on the lowest setting. Or a device with an automatic mode that is only quiet when it needs to clean the air more, which is unlikely in the middle of the night.