Alternative Aktivkohle ersetzt Nachfüllpack "Pro Aktiv 150" (1000875, 4006513) für Wesco / Berbel Umluftfilter
Markenqualitä t aus deutscher Herstellung für kompromisslos hohe Qualität bei günstigen Preisen
Lebensdauer 350 Betriebsstunden (ca. 2-3 Jahre)
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With the practical berbel refill packs, berbel shows that modern kitchen technology and more effective Environmental protection is very well compatible. The activated carbon of the berbel recirculating air filter can be easily and can be replaced cost-effectively. This protects the household budget and the environment. berbel - consciously pro nature!
The service life of the Purero activated carbon ProAktiv is about 2-3 years depending on the cooking behavior. After an exchange is recommended, which thanks to the sophisticated Berbel concept is as simple as it is ingenious works: The used activated carbon is replaced, the housing is retained.
If you use the automatic trailing function after cooking , the service life of the activated carbon can still further optimize.
If you fry a lot of fish or meat, we recommend the use of activated charcoal fish. This carbon has a higher phosphorus content due to special impregnation and can therefore neutralize the odors better.
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